Do you make New Year Resolutions? There are the usual ones: eat healthier, exercise more, stick to my budget, get organized, call Mom more often...everybody thinks of that kind of resolution. How about a New Years Resolution for your financial well-being? Here are some ideas:
- Meet with your insurance agent for a review of your policies. How long has it been? Things change. Are you getting your discounts? Are you still insuring a car you sold last year? It happens all the time. Sit down for a review. You may be paying for coverage you don't need, and skipping something you do need.
- Make an appointment with a financial planner. Are you on track for your long-term and short-term financial goals? Could you realign your investments and improve your portfolio?
- Take a careful look at your spending. What can go? How can you simplify? Are you saving enough?
- Have you been attending to your home's maintenance? Many losses can be prevented by keeping your home well-maintained. That loose board on the front step could be the one that breaks an ankle.
- Read. Yes, I know: it isn't a thrilling read. Read your insurance policy. Read your prospectus. Anything you don't understand, ask! Professionals are here to help. We can translate those abstruse paragraphs into English for you.
We are offering general information and opinions. Talk to your insurance professional for questions and concerns about your insurance policy.
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