Introducing Trish

I'll start with me. :-)  My name is Trish and I have been with Crabdree Insurance for 4 years.

I am a licensed producer and I write commercial lines of insurance, personal lines and surety & fidelity.

What makes me suited to this industry? That's easy. I like people and I am a natural worrier. I am very good at imagining all the things that can go wrong, and that helps me make sure that an insurance policy covers everything it should. It doesn't help my insomnia any, but it does help me find the right coverage for you.

Crabdree Insurance & Financial Services is a terrific place to spend my days. We have a great team of dedicated professionals. We enjoy a wonderful balance of skills and knowledge among the team members and we all share a common vision of customer service and integrity.

On a more personal note: I've been a Payson resident for 30 years. I love our town and I love Payson's patriotic, warm, kind and generous people. Payson enjoys a great sense of community and I love being a part of that. My husband of 26 years and I have two fine sons. I am passionate about history, the English language and perfecting my Chicken Tetrazzini.

Crabdree Insurance moved to a lovely new agency in July of 2010. Drive carefully, Payson, because when I lift my eyes from computer screen, I'm looking right out onto the Beeline. And when you're driving by, carefully, swing in and visit us!


1 comment:

  1. Well, I took the time to visit your blog and am glad I did. You have caused me to think of my assests and portrayed a company that truly cares. You sound like a kindred spirit.


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