Winter Floods

Winter flooding happens, too. Six quick answers about whether you need flood insurance:

  1. Homeowners Insurance does not cover flood. Damage to your home caused by rising water, ground water, etc. is EXCLUDED.
  2. You live on a hill. Flooding can be caused by major storms, but it can also be caused by melting snow, inadequate or clogged drainage systems, or failed water control devices such as dams and levees. Water flowing down from the top of the hill and running into your home is considered "flood".
  3. You live in a floodplain. That doesn't mean you can not purchase protection. As long as your community participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, you can purchase flood coverage, whether you live in a high risk area or a low risk one.
  4. You've already had one flood. That phrase "100-Year Flood" doesn't mean it only happens once every hundred years. It refers to an elevation that has a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded each year.
  5. You don't live in a flood zone. I hate to tell you this, but you DO live in a flood zone. We all do. It's just a question of how high of a risk you face. Over 1/5 of the flood NFIP claims filed every year are from people who live in low-risk areas, and 1/3 of the disaster relief goes to low-risk areas, too.
  6. If there was a flood, FEMA would pay. That only works if the damage you sustain is caused by a DECLARED natural disaster. If your home is damaged because a culvert is blocked, or a water main ruptures just outside your home, FEMA will not be cutting you a check. Even if it is a declared natural disaster, FEMA will pay for only part of the damage, and may take years to settle.
Talk to your agent about flood insurance to get more information.

We are offering general information and opinions. Talk to your insurance professional for questions and concerns about your insurance policy.
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When it's Time to Talk

It happens. The time comes when we look at our parents or siblings or family friends and realize that maybe they shouldn't be driving anymore.

How do you approach the subject? Giving up driving is giving up independence. That has to be a tremendously difficult decision to come to. Unfortunately, to protect both our loved ones and the public, the day may come when we'll have to have "The Talk".

Hartford offers an excellent guide to opening this painful discussion. If you would like us to email you a pdf version of the guide, please call today, or email us at

We are offering general information and opinions. Talk to your insurance professional for questions and concerns about your insurance policy.

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