Our first Payson People profile is about our good friend Bobby Davis. Bobby and his lovely wife Nina are fairly new to the Crabdree family of clients, but they are good friends and terrific Rim Country citizens.
I’m going to present this one Barbara Walters style. Just a question and answer session. Bobby’s wit, humor and heart shine through best with his own words.
Q: Tell me three things about our community that you think are perfect, just as they are.
A: 1.The people, and their willingness to give back. 2. When someone is in need or sick their friends will surround them and help them overcome any issue. 3. The Rim Country (Payson, Star Valley, Pine, Strawberry, Christopher Creek & Tonto Basin) all work together to make this a great place to live.
Q: Tell me three things about our community you would change if you could.
A: 1. This is a great place to live and raise a family; with the new college that will be built, it will change the demographics, and that will bring higher paying jobs and a nice mix of citizens. 2. The college will bring new business, new restaurants, more shopping; we the citizens need to be ready for the changes in a positive way. Now is the time to get ready before it is built.
Q. What is something that you are especially proud you learned how to do?
A. I am proud that I learned how to give back and to appreciate the family and friends that I have in my life.
Q. What is your absolute DREAM car? Make, model, color, everything.
A. My dream vehicle would be a new Ford F-150: top of the line, fully loaded, black 4x4.
Q. If someone made a movie about you, who would be the best actor to play the role of YOU?
A. Brad Pitt... but he would have to shave his head and gain about 50 lbs.
Q. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? How close to that did you come in real life?
A. Growing up in Texas I wanted to become a cowboy, and play football for the Dallas Cowboys. Well, I did become a cowboy and I worked on ranches. In high school, I played high school football. Then I joined the Marines and that changed my life. After my tour in the Marines I went to Dallas, Texas to try out for the Dallas Cowboys as a walk-on player. I found out real fast that I was way too small. At my age I am happy with the person I have become and the family and friends that I can share my life with.
Q. Imagine you are marooned on a lovely island in the South Pacific. What three things would you wish to wash up on shore?
A. Assuming I had food and water, then I would want a luxury yacht to dock and Ricardo Montalban and Tattoo, his side kick, to bring me a check for 100,000 million dollars. They would tell me that my beautiful wife Nina and our 4 great children and spouses and 7 perfect grandchildren were on the yacht, waiting to sail around the world.
Q, If someone wrote a biography of your life, would it be an adventure story? A love story? A comedy? A thriller? Or something else?
A. When Brad Pitt shaved his head and gained 50 lbs. he would find that it would be the best adventure, love story, thriller and most of all, a comedy with a happy ending.
Q. What part of the world do your ancestors come from? Have you ever been to that country?
A. British/Scandinavian...not yet but plan on going someday.
Q. If you could wake up one day with a new talent or skill, what would you like to be able to do? Why?
A. Understand and predicate the stock market so I could accumulate wealth. Then I would have the time and money to help others and to make a difference in children’s lives.
Thanks so much, Bobby, for playing along at Payson Profiles. Your answers made us all smile! (Maybe even an LOL or two!)
Bobby’s profile and picture appear in this space with his approval. What a good sport!
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